
Con­tact the city ad­min­is­tra­tion

You can reach the city ad­min­is­tra­tion by call­ing 0351-4880.

Mon­day to Fri­day from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., you can al­so con­tact the cen­tral pub­lic au­thor­i­ty hot­line 115 .

Re­spon­si­ble as au­thor and pub­lish­er

© 2024

State cap­i­tal Dres­den
- The Lord May­or -

Of­fice for Press, Pub­lic Re­la­tions and Pro­to­col

The state cap­i­tal Dres­den is a cor­po­ra­tion un­der pub­lic law.

Sales tax iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber ac­cord­ing to §27a sales tax law:
DE 140135127

Elec­tron­i­cal­ly signed or en­crypt­ed doc­u­ments

En­crypt­ing e-mail mes­sages (S/MIME)

LHD pro­vides the se­cure@dres­ mail­box for re­ceiv­ing elec­tron­i­cal­ly en­crypt­ed emails. If you wish to en­crypt your e-mail mes­sage to this mail­box, you must in­te­grate the pub­lic S/MIME cer­tifi­cate pro­vid­ed for this pur­pose in­to your e-mail pro­gram.

Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion on en­cryp­tion can be found at:

Dis­claimer of li­a­bil­i­ty

We make every ef­fort to pro­vide cor­rect and com­plete in­for­ma­tion on this web­site. How­ev­er, we as­sume no li­a­bil­i­ty or guar­an­tee for the top­i­cal­i­ty, cor­rect­ness or com­plete­ness of the in­for­ma­tion pro­vid­ed on this site. This al­so ap­plies to all links (hy­per­links) to which this web­site refers di­rect­ly or in­di­rect­ly. We are not re­spon­si­ble for the con­tent of a page that is reached via such a link.