Declaration on accessibility

The state capital Dresden attaches great importance to making its websites accessible and is implementing the corresponding requirements step by step.

The state capital Dresden endeavors to make its websites and applications accessible in accordance with the Saxon Inclusion Act (SächsInklusG) and the Barrier-free Websites Act (BfWebG) in conjunction with the Barrier-free Information Technology Ordinance (BITV 2.0). The BfWebG is supplemented by the Barrier-free Websites Ordinance (BfWebVO). These laws are drafted in accordance with Directive (EU) 2016/2102.

Accessibility status

Accessibility is based on the internationally valid Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) at conformance level AA and the European standard EN 301 549, version 3.2.1. For PDF documents, the international standard PDF/UA-1 is also observed.

Content pages:

The content pages of the above-mentioned websites are accessible in accordance with the above-mentioned guidelines.

PDF files:

PDF files are accessible according to the above guidelines with the following exceptions:

  • The content is also accessible online.

Electronic forms:

Electronic forms are accessible in accordance with the above guidelines.


Most applications are accessible in accordance with the above guidelines. The following applications are only partially accessible or not accessible according to the above guidelines:

  • Key visual (virtual clickable city in the header area) on the start page

Preparation of the declaration

This declaration was prepared on February 27, 2025 on the basis of our own review. We continuously determine the status of accessibility through our own review.

Feedback and contact details

If you notice accessibility deficiencies on our websites and applications or if you require information on content that is not accessible, you can contact us.

Please send us the link to the affected page or application and describe the problem as precisely as possible. We will try to rectify the reported deficiencies or provide you with inaccessible information in an accessible form.

Contact us

Owner-Operated IT Sercives 

City of Dresden
Division Economy, Digital, Personnel and Security 

Telephone 0351-4884500

Postal address

P.O. Box 12 00 20
01001 Dresden

Visitor address

St.Petersburger Straße 9
01069 Dresden

Enforcement procedure

If no satisfactory solution is found to your request within a reasonable period of time (usually four weeks), you can contact the office of the State Commissioner for Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (Enforcement Office) at the Saxon State Chancellery, which is responsible for the enforcement procedure. The Enforcement Office supports out-of-court dispute resolution when conflicts arise between public bodies in Saxony and users of websites or mobile applications. This arbitration procedure is free of charge. The involvement of legal counsel is not required.