Smart Gov­ern­ment

With sus­tain­able so­lu­tions, we pro­mote cit­i­zen par­tic­i­pa­tion and im­prove ac­cess to pub­lic ser­vices.

Smart City Dresden Smart Government Rathaus Dresden
Adobe­Stock l vel­ishchuk

Smart Gov­ern­ment
for the cit­i­zen­ry


Smart Gov­ern­ment
for the econ­o­my

Adobe­Stock l Maria Mikhaylichenko

Dig­i­tal ser­vices for

Dres­den sup­ports lo­cal com­pa­nies with a va­ri­ety of dig­i­tal ser­vices and the pro­vi­sion of da­ta. Da­ta link­ing and fur­ther pro­cess­ing pro­mote new busi­ness mod­els.

Op­ti­mized busi­ness process­es

Smart Gov­ern­ment makes it eas­i­er for com­pa­nies to han­dle ad­min­is­tra­tive pro­ce­dures. From reg­is­ter­ing a busi­ness to ap­ply­ing for per­mits, many process­es are dig­i­tal and ef­fi­cient.

Co­op­er­a­tion with the city

The city ad­min­is­tra­tion pro­motes co­op­er­a­tion with lo­cal com­pa­nies. Whether it is the pro­vi­sion of da­ta or pub­lic-pri­vate part­ner­ships, com­pa­nies are im­por­tant part­ners in shap­ing the fu­ture.

In­no­v­a­tive in­fra­struc­ture

Dres­den in­vests in smarte in­fra­struc­tures to cre­ate a busi­ness-friend­ly en­vi­ron­ment. Dig­i­tal in­no­va­tions help to op­ti­mize process­es, from lo­gis­tics to re­source man­age­ment, and pro­mote sus­tain­able growth.

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