Smart Health

Us­ing mod­ern tech­nolo­gies and da­ta analy­ses, we are work­ing on more ef­fi­cient health­care de­liv­ery.

Na­tionales Cen­trum für Tu­mor­erkrankun­gen (NCT/UCC) Dres­den

Smart Health
for the cit­i­zen­ry


Smart Health
for the econ­o­my

Adobe­Stock l Os­car

Strong part­ner­ships for

Com­pa­nies in Dres­den ben­e­fit from the close co­op­er­a­tion with lead­ing re­search in­sti­tu­tions such as the Fraun­hofer IPMS and the Na­tion­al Cen­ter for Tu­mor Dis­eases (NCT/UCC).

Da­ta-based health­care

In­no­v­a­tive projects such as On­co­Bro­ker for se­cure da­ta ex­change in can­cer af­ter­care or the de­vel­op­ment of MEMS tech­nolo­gies for di­ag­nos­tics and ther­a­py cre­ate new busi­ness op­por­tu­ni­ties.

Dres­den among the best

With in­ter­na­tion­al­ly rec­og­nized com­pa­nies such as Glax­o­SmithK­line Bi­o­log­i­cals Dres­den and RO­TOP Phar­ma­ka Dres­den, the city has de­vel­oped in­to a glob­al play­er in the biotech seg­ment and an in­no­va­tion hub.

Shap­ing the fu­ture

Cur­rent projects such as the telemed­ical stroke net­work are in­tend­ed to sim­pli­fy com­mu­ni­ca­tion be­tween doc­tors and pa­tients even fur­ther and are thus shap­ing the fu­ture of med­i­cine.

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