Smart City Re­search

WIS­SENSAR­CHITEK­TUR - Lab­o­ra­to­ry of Knowl­edge Ar­chi­tec­ture (TU Dres­den) sup­ports Dres­den sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly and me­thod­i­cal­ly on the way to Smart City.

Lau­ra Göpfert l Fo­to­stu­dio Blende auf


Smart City Re­search helps a city to rec­og­nize its goals and op­por­tu­ni­ties, adapt process­es ac­cord­ing­ly and im­prove the in­ter­ac­tion be­tween ad­min­is­tra­tion and the pub­lic. Sys­tem­at­ic re­search in­to con­cepts such as Smart City is fun­da­men­tal to this. In or­der to un­der­stand Smart-City is­sues at a sci­en­tif­ic lev­el, WIS­SENSAR­CHITEK­TUR is de­vel­op­ing new mod­els, meth­ods and tools - and ap­ply­ing them in projects and in co­op­er­a­tion with the city of Dres­den.

An in­ten­sive co­op­er­a­tion be­tween sci­ence and city de­part­ments has re­sult­ed in a Smart-City strat­e­gy for Dres­den over the course of one and a half years. In the cur­rent im­ple­men­ta­tion phase, se­lect­ed projects are be­ing de­vel­oped and test­ed in mod­el quar­ters. WIS­SENSAR­CHITEK­TUR is eval­u­at­ing the process­es, iden­ti­fy­ing syn­er­gies in work­shops with the project groups and pro­vid­ing spe­cial­ist in­put from par­tic­i­pa­tion re­sults and cur­rent Smart-City re­search.

The goal

A Smart City is for peo­ple. Tech­ni­cal so­lu­tions should there­fore pro­mote qual­i­ty of life, sus­tain­abil­i­ty and so­cial jus­tice. In or­der to meet this re­quire­ment, the Dres­den city ad­min­is­tra­tion has de­vel­oped a com­pre­hen­sive vi­sion of a Smart City for Dres­den with sci­en­tif­ic sup­port and mod­er­a­tion by WIS­SENSAR­CHITEK­TUR. This vi­sion is be­ing fur­ther dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed and prac­ti­cal­ly im­ple­ment­ed with the re­sults of par­tic­i­pa­tion ac­tiv­i­ties and im­pact re­search. 

A cen­tral con­cern is to in­clude the per­spec­tives of all key stake­hold­er groups. Their views on op­por­tu­ni­ties and risks for the dig­i­tal­iza­tion of ad­min­is­tra­tion, so­ci­ety and com­pa­nies en­rich ur­ban de­vel­op­ment on the way to Smart City .

Smart City Re­search
for the cit­i­zen­ry


Smart City Re­search
for the econ­o­my


Busi­ness as a stake­hold­er group

In the re­search de­sign of the Smart-City strat­e­gy, the busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty was de­fined as an im­por­tant stake­hold­er in the Dres­den Smart-City land­scape. Ac­cord­ing­ly, the eco­nom­ic per­spec­tive was tak­en in­to ac­count from the out­set in the de­vel­op­ment of the Smart-City strat­e­gy. The co­op­er­a­tion with the Dres­den De­parte­ment for Eco­nom­ic De­vel­op­ment there­fore al­so ac­com­pa­nies the im­ple­men­ta­tion of the Smart City projects.

Ex­per­tise of Ref­er­ence Projects

WIS­SENSAR­CHITEK­TUR - Lab­o­ra­to­ry of Knowl­edge Ar­chi­tec­ture - main part­ner and sci­en­tif­ic lead in the Mod­el Project Smart City Dres­den mod­el project - has been ac­tive in the smart city con­text for over 10 years and has al­ready helped to shape the trans­for­ma­tion process of the city in the high­ly ac­claimed fund­ing projects ‘Zukun­ft­stadt Dres­den’ (Fu­ture City Dres­den) and ‘MAtchUp’. 

Sci­en­tif­ic net­work­ing

WIS­SENSAR­CHITEK­TUR plays an ac­tive role in the Smart City com­mu­ni­ty net­work. The team is reg­u­lar­ly present at spe­cial­ist con­fer­ences and trade fairs, such as the Ex­po World Con­gress Barcelona. Syn­er­gies al­so arise from its own ur­ban de­vel­op­ment projects, such as the EU Hori­zon project "U_CAN. Ukraine to­wards Car­bon Neu­tral­i­ty".

Re­search Al­liance DRES­DEN-con­cept

The syn­er­getic DRES­DEN-con­cept re­search al­liance with the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ex­cel­lence TU Dres­den, eleven Fraun­hofer In­sti­tutes, four Max Planck So­ci­ety in­sti­tu­tions, five Leib­niz In­sti­tutes, the Helmholtz Cen­tre and oth­er uni­ver­si­ties, re­search and ed­u­ca­tion­al in­sti­tu­tions pro­vides con­sid­er­able knowl­edge and in­no­va­tion po­ten­tial.

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