Landeshauptstadt Dresden | Michael Schmidt

OSTRA laboratory opens

Charlotte Martha Sprengel

From De­cem­ber 4, 2024, the OS­TRA lab­o­ra­to­ry in the Heinz Stey­er Sta­di­um will open its doors to vis­i­tors every week: every Wednes­day be­tween 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., you will have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to talk to em­ploy­ees, find out more about the project and con­tribute your own ideas or ques­tions. Next year, our project part­ners will al­so be pre­sent­ing in­no­v­a­tive tech­nolo­gies and de­vel­op­ments. All in­ter­est­ed par­ties are cor­dial­ly in­vit­ed to take an ac­tive part in the par­tic­i­pa­tion for­mats and con­tribute their wish­es and sug­ges­tions for fu­ture mo­bil­i­ty so­lu­tions in the Os­trage­hege.

The back­ground

The heart of Dres­den's par­tic­i­pa­tion in the EU project Mo­bil­i­ties for EU is the Os­tra-Lab for Ur­ban Mo­bil­i­ty lo­cat­ed in the project area. This in­no­va­tion hub was of­fi­cial­ly opened on Sat­ur­day, Au­gust 31, 2024 and pro­motes co­op­er­a­tion be­tween cit­i­zens, in­dus­try, sci­ence and ad­min­is­tra­tion to shape the fu­ture de­vel­op­ment of mo­bil­i­ty. The aim is to cre­ate ac­ces­si­ble op­tions that bring peo­ple to­geth­er re­gard­less of their per­son­al abil­i­ties, en­sur­ing in­clu­sive and col­lab­o­ra­tive progress. Be­yond the project du­ra­tion, the lab will fur­ther de­vel­op Dres­den's trans­porta­tion sys­tem and po­si­tion the city as a pi­o­neer for sus­tain­able ur­ban mo­bil­i­ty.

Landeshauptstadt Dresden | Michael Schmidt
Landeshauptstadt Dresden | Michael Schmidt
Landeshauptstadt Dresden | Michael Schmidt
Landeshauptstadt Dresden | Michael Schmidt