
Cleema is the chan­nel for a more sus­tain­able Dres­den. The app of­fers in­ter­est­ing news every day in the mag­a­zine, in­vites you to dis­cov­er lo­cal projects and of­fers chal­lenges for a com­pe­ti­tion with fam­i­ly or friends. You can put your knowl­edge to the test in the dai­ly quiz and browse through fair and re­gion­al of­fers in the mar­ket­place.

The goal

The city of Dres­den has am­bi­tious goals in terms of sus­tain­abil­i­ty and cli­mate neu­tral­i­ty. These goals can on­ly be achieved to­geth­er with the peo­ple of Dres­den. The Cleema app aims to ac­ti­vate and in­form peo­ple. El­e­ments such as themed chal­lenges play­ful­ly en­cour­age peo­ple to think about sus­tain­abil­i­ty is­sues and take ac­tion.

Smart Com­mu­ni­ty

Fo­cus top­ic

in im­ple­men­ta­tion

Project sta­tus



En­tire city

Area of ap­pli­ca­tion

55.000 eu­ros


The most im­por­tant in­for­ma­tion

Sand­storm GmbH

What does Cleema do for the en­vi­ron­ment?

Cleema pro­motes more en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly con­scious be­hav­ior through in­for­ma­tion, in­ter­ac­tion and ac­cess to sus­tain­able projects and prod­ucts and thus sup­ports en­vi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion at Dres­den.

How does Cleema im­prove every­day life?

The app us­es chal­lenges, quizzes and prac­ti­cal sus­tain­abil­i­ty tips to make it eas­i­er to in­te­grate sus­tain­able rou­tines in­to every­day life and pro­vides in­for­ma­tion on cur­rent cam­paigns and ini­tia­tives.

What new pos­si­bil­i­ties are there?

Cleema en­ables par­tic­i­pa­tion in re­gion­al sus­tain­abil­i­ty projects and of­fers dis­counts for fair, en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly prod­ucts and ser­vices via the mar­ket­place.

How can I par­tic­i­pate?

The Cleema app can be down­loaded for An­droid from the Google Play­Store or for Ap­ple de­vices from the App Store. The Cleema app is free to use and can be used by any­one with or with­out reg­is­tra­tion.
Sand­storm GmbH

Broad­en your hori­zons

The mag­a­zine reg­u­lar­ly pub­lish­es news about in­ter­est­ing cam­paigns, events, ini­tia­tives and tips and tricks. Cleema keeps users up to date on sus­tain­able de­vel­op­ment at Dres­den.

Dis­cov­er Cleema now

Sand­storm GmbH

Get to know the com­mu­ni­ty

In the project overview, you can dis­cov­er a va­ri­ety of sus­tain­abil­i­ty projects in the re­gion. As­so­ci­a­tions and oth­er ini­tia­tives present their in­spir­ing hands-on of­fers. From gar­den­ing and me­dia projects to dis­trict ini­tia­tives, every­thing is in­clud­ed.

Sand­storm GmbH

Mas­ter­ing chal­lenges

Cleema of­fers not on­ly in­for­ma­tion, but al­so in­ter­ac­tion. Pre­pared chal­lenges in­vite every­one to take part - or you can sim­ply start your own chal­lenge. The dai­ly quiz pro­vides sur­pris­ing facts and prac­ti­cal sus­tain­abil­i­ty hacks for every­day life.

Sand­storm GmbH

Dis­cov­er the mar­ket­place

In the mar­ket­place, in­ter­est­ed par­ties can dis­cov­er fair, or­gan­ic, re­gion­al, ve­g­an and ze­ro waste prod­ucts at Dres­den. Lo­cal sup­pli­ers present them­selves and their of­fers in more de­tail. Dis­count codes and vouch­ers from the app can be used to save mon­ey when shop­ping.

Ben­e­fits for the econ­o­my

Sand­storm GmbH

Why is Cleema im­por­tant for the econ­o­my?

Cleema strength­ens sus­tain­able in­sti­tu­tions through a tar­get­ed ap­proach and in­creas­es their vis­i­bil­i­ty among their own tar­get group. Users are ac­ti­vat­ed for sus­tain­able top­ics at a low thresh­old.

How does the econ­o­my ben­e­fit from the project?

Re­gion­al com­pa­nies and as­so­ci­a­tions are giv­en a plat­form to ex­change ideas with po­ten­tial cus­tomers and mem­bers and to pro­mote sus­tain­able prod­ucts and ser­vices.

What new op­por­tu­ni­ties are emerg­ing?

Com­pa­nies can use Cleema to reach new tar­get groups, draw at­ten­tion to of­fers or pro­mo­tions and re­ceive di­rect feed­back from users.

How can com­pa­nies get in­volved?

Busi­ness and civ­il so­ci­ety can present them­selves in the mar­ket­place and in chal­lenges and en­ter in­to di­a­log with an en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly con­scious com­mu­ni­ty.
Sand­storm GmbH

Di­rect tar­get group ap­proach

The Cleema app of­fers the op­por­tu­ni­ty to es­tab­lish a tar­get group-spe­cif­ic com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nel on sus­tain­abil­i­ty top­ics and to make in­sti­tu­tions or of­fers in this field bet­ter known. The mag­a­zine, the mar­ket­place and the chal­l­lenges of­fer ide­al con­di­tions for pre­sent­ing your­self to the tar­get groups at a low thresh­old.

Sand­storm GmbH

Open sub­se­quent use

Gam­i­fi­ca­tion el­e­ments such as chal­lenges and the quiz, as well as oth­er com­po­nents, can be test­ed from an ad­min­is­tra­tive per­spec­tive. The app is avail­able as open source for sub­se­quent use by oth­er mu­nic­i­pal­i­ties and can be fur­ther de­vel­oped as re­quired.

Sand­storm GmbH

Smarte Par­tic­i­pa­tion

User feed­back en­ables the im­pact of mea­sures to be bet­ter un­der­stood and used for fu­ture projects. Cleema en­ables smarte and dig­i­tal par­tic­i­pa­tion to pro­mote top­ic-re­lat­ed ac­tiv­i­ties at lo­cal lev­el and gath­er ex­pe­ri­ence for the ad­min­is­tra­tion.

Sand­storm GmbH

Re­gion­al ex­change

A re­gion­al in­no­va­tion ecosys­tem should sup­port the peo­ple of Dres­den in be­com­ing ac­tive and ac­quir­ing new knowl­edge. At the same time, a plat­form is to be cre­at­ed that en­ables re­gion­al sus­tain­able com­pa­nies to in­ter­act with their cus­tomers.

Project part­ner

Sand­storm Me­dia GmbH

Sand­storm Me­di­a's core busi­ness is the de­vel­op­ment of high­ly scal­able, web-based ap­pli­ca­tions for com­pa­nies. Sand­stor­m's slo­gan is "We pro­gram the fu­ture".

To the part­ner

Lokale Agen­da 21 für Dres­den e.V.


Our mis­sion is to cre­ate and main­tain af­ford­able hous­ing in the state cap­i­tal Dres­den. With this task, we as­sume so­cial re­spon­si­bil­i­ty.


To the part­ner

Our Smart
City team

Nico Pock­el

State cap­i­tal Dres­den
Of­fice for Ur­ban Strat­e­gy, In­ter­na­tion­al Af­fairs and Cit­i­zen­ship

Nico Pockel